SpiroCombi -Steel -F(PN16) -HiFLow -Demount

A demountable steel (microbubble) deaerator and dirt separator for high flow rate (3 m/s) with a DN50 - DN300 PN16 flange connection


The benefits of the HD-F SpiroCombi deaerator and dirt separators

  • Combined separation system - removes circulating air and microbubbles effectively
  • Applicable for high flow rate systems (3 m/s)
  • Applicable with 50/50 Ethylene Glycol / Water (Volume)
  • Improve cost control and energy efficiency
  • Very small particles, from 5 μm (= 0.005 mm), are separated and removed
  • Dirt can be discharged while the system is in operation
  • We recommend equipping the separator with shut-off valves on both sides
  • In case of severe polution and/or maintenance, the unit is demountable
  • Constant low pressure drop
  • PN16 flange connections
  • Connection diameters from DN50 - DN300, larger connection diameters on request
  • Exceptional guarantee

Product variants

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Article number HD050F
Product type SpiroCombi -DN50 -Flange -HiFlow -Demount

The positioning of the SpiroCombi in your system

The SpiroCombi should preferably be installed at the hottest point in the system. For a heating system, this is the point where the system water leaves the heater. In a cooling system, it should be installed in the return line, just before it enters the cooler.